Ready, set, peek 👀

Hi, leader in pursuit of excellence!

First, Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing mothers out there! Your love and care are always appreciated!

Now, just a quick update. Last week, I shared exciting news about what lies ahead for this newsletter. TL;DR: it’s getting a full makeover. 😀 

Now, I want to share 4 quick tidbits about what lies ahead for Inner Frontiers for Outer Impact:

  1. It will explore leadership through the lens of self-leadership, with a deep dive into Mindset, Courage, Resilience, and Innovation.

  2. Each issue will contain actionable insights.

  3. It will be weekly; you will receive it on Sundays at 10am EST.

  4. It will be a 4 min read or less.

Bottom line: I’m putting a lot more of my experiences, my research, my perspectives, etc. in this newsletter. It’s taken some time to find my voice, but by staying in my own self-leadership laboratory, I’m boldly using it more in online writing every day. 😀 I’m excited to share more of it with you here.

Thank you again to those who have been a part of the focus grouping of this new launch. Your insights have been helpful as I continue to refine what Inner Frontiers for Outer Impact will be. I am excited to launch this new version at the end of May. Stay tuned!

Until then,
